Grey color

Grey color is a mixture of black and white colors. Various shades of grey is possible by changing proportion of black and white.

Actually, as there is no white color used in printing, grey is produced by a weaker shade of black color in a different strength.

Photograph by: Brian Fernandes

Pure grey is monochromatic. It is a dull color, which is a symbol of depression. It rarely works on its own. However, grey in product and model photography works extremely well as a background, for being neutral color which never conflict with main subject.

Grey hardly works in food photography or even on food product packaging, as in nature, there is nothing, which can represent grey as a food article apart from some raw fish. Even as negative space in a photograph of food, grey has no place as it has no appetizing appeal.

Grey in nature represents a dull rainy day. It also represents wild-life. Many animals and birds are grey. So it works in wild life photography. It even works in marine life, but not as a life.

Mid grey as background is very popular in fashion and glamour photography. Even if this shade is shifted towards lighter or darker side, it works as it has absolutely no ado with the main subject, which is skin tone. Accessories used in grey for a fashion shoot also works the same way.

Grey is a masculine color. All shades of grey is widely used in formal dress for men. Many of the engineering products are grey in color.

When we shoot a silver or a stainless steel product, actually we are recording various shades of grey in perfect tune with each other. This tuning is so well balanced, that it creates the illusion of silver in a persuading manner.

On CMYK color mode, grey color is a percentage of black. If cyan, magenta and yellow are mixed in equal quantity, (percentage), then it should produce pure grey. However, in practical, ink manufacturers balance mid-grey at 50 percent of cyan and 38 to 40 percent of magenta and yellow. Therefore, if cyan, magenta and yellow are equal, magenta and yellow is more powerful and result is shifted towards brownish murky grey.

Read more about how other colors work in a photograph:

Black color

Blue color

Brown color

Complementary colors

Cool colors

Dark colors

Dull colors

Green color

Impressive colors

Light colors

Purple color

Red color

Tranquil colors

Vivid colors

Warm colors

White color

Yellow color

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